Intermediate Objective
- Understand the notion of the exploitation of child labour
Specific Objectives
- Identify one's own daily activities and preoccupations
- Compare these activities and preoccupations with those of an exploited child
- Define the notion of the exploitation of child labour (internet and in class)
- Name some of the diverse causes of the exploitation of child labour (in class)
- Daily Activities
- Convention on the Rights of the Child
- An explanation of the "Exploitation of Child Labour"
- An explanation of "work that involves risk"
Cross Curricular Competencies
- Develop critical thinking skills
- Using information and communication technologies
- Developping personal identity
Proposed Educational Scenario
- Introduce the subject by asking students if they know that 250 million children currently work around the world
- Present Mariam, the young Senegalese girl who works as a household servant and who will guide them through the activity "Never too Young to Start Working" and who will permit them to learn about the exploitation of child labour
- Give the students the internet address in order to directly access the educational activity:
During the on-line activity the students will be asked to:
- Create a list of their daily activities from waking until going to sleep in the evening
- Compare their daily activities with those of Mariam
- Become aware of the Convention on the Rights of the Child
- Define the concept of child labour exploitation
- Take the students' comments about the on-line activity
- Define the concept of child labour exploitation
- Conclude by asking why so many children are obliged to work
Reference Texts
- What is child exploitation?
- The origins of this phenomenon